Web Design Guide


Free Web Design Guide

Design Thinking 

Telling a Story 

Creating the Interface

Choosing the Platform

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Why Design Thinking is Critical 

When thinking about Design thinking it is more than just a process but a way to understand your customers. Most businesses that think this way are able to look past the sterotypes and go into a more deep creative ideas. This way is more of a way to get to know the customers better and find common problems. That way we can fix and find better solutions. 



The 4 Phases of Design Thinking

Research and Inspiration

First thing we do is to map out each of the steps for the user experience and then we do some research to see what others are doing.

Creative Ideas

We not just look at one solution we look for multiple to see which is the best one to choose from. That way we can get multiple ideas and then filter out the rest. 

Action Phase

We go through all the ideas and try to implement all the ones that are possible to use. 

Create a Relatable Story

We help you to establish a partnership with your customer to make your business more human by sharing a story. 

Elements of Web Design

The purpose of the Web Design is to make sure that the company presents an idea in the form of a website. However Web Design is just more than just thinking of an idea but its a way to tell a story that will connect the users to make a brand. With Design thinking and basic blocks of Web Design there isnt anything we cant create. 


The reason we layout the current information is to make sure that they are balanced and consistent. 


There are many things that can influence many designs such as understanding the colours which can be a powerful tools to target the market. 


Powerful images are the cornerstone of your presentation, the driving force behind your storytelling efforts. A strong, emotional image in your main hero banner can set the tone for how your users perceive your brand


Using things like Google Fonts which can enable designers to compliment the branding and image of the font elements strategically. 


Always remember that your content is what connects you with your audience and it needs to be organized in a way that it can be scanned and easily understood.